TC Trailer Gateway PRO
TC Fuel: Reefer Fuel Level
The required #temperature control of loaded #fresh goods is ensured at all times by the #cooling machine on the #trailer. Whether this is supplied with sufficient fuel can be easily read via our #TC Fuel LED display on the vehicle. Via the additional connection to our #TCTrailerGatewayPRO, the information is also transmitted to our #cargofleet3 portal. Critical #fuel levels, #manipulations or even #fuel thefts can thus be #monitored at any time and stored with an alarm.
Do you already have all the information about the #trailer available online for maximum #uptime?
Feel free to contact us for more information or visit us at the NUFAM, 30/09/ - 3/10/21, Karlsruhe, Hall 2, Stand C209. We look forward to your visit!
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